Sunday, June 11, 2006



One of my first role models.

One who taught me about generosity and genuine caring.

One who allowed me to learn from her mistakes.

One who allowed me to learn from her successes.

One who encouraged my creativity with hours of make believe.

One who encouraged me to live my dreams.

One who made me giggle enough to get the "If you two don't stop giggling, I'm gonna pull this car over at the side of the road " threat from Daddy:)

One who inspired my musicality at an early age by offering her leg as a pretend piano and guitar :)

One who kept me up at night talking or playing humzinger.

One who woke with me and reassured me when I had a nightmare.

One who forgave me for all the hair pulling, pinching, biting, pushing, name calling and dumping of pasta on her head :)

One who experienced the same joy, excitement, and embarrassment of my childhood days.

One who has shared the sorrow and the grief that I've experienced.

One who still sees and understands the little girl that lingers within, because she knew that girl better than anyone else.

One who is more than my sister, One who is my dearest friend.

My big sister - One whom I thank God for everyday.

Happy Birthday Jen, Love ya!!

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