Thursday, June 15, 2006

Baby Bunnies

It really doesn't take much to thrill me. I know with the whole "diva image", some may think that I am high maintenance but really all it takes is seeing a couple of baby bunnies on the street to get me super excited. Sometimes I get so excited about baby bunnies that I get a little carried away. Last night on my way home I had one of those thrilling baby bunny moments and as a result am now thought of as the neighborhood nutbar.

Baby Bunnies are great. Two summers ago our back yard bunny, Peter, had babies in our garden. (We continued to call her Peter even after we realized that he was a she.) Now we'll occasionally see a bunny hopping through the garden and it's a very thrilling thing for us. Whoever sees the bunny makes an announcement to the entire household that Peter has returned (even though it might not be Peter. they all look like Peter so in our house all tan colored cotton tail rabbits are named Peter, it's just easier that way.) It's always quite exciting to see Peter again, whenever he comes to visit I feel like that little girl who used to get super excited at the cottage when I'd see a wild animal on the property.

Back to last night. I'm driving home from Small group and I pull onto my street a little after 11 and right there on the road are two Peters hopping around, chasing each other. Aaaaaaaa!!! I got so excited not one Peter but two, I could barely contain myself. I stopped my car, mainly to avoid seeing a Peter splattered under my tire, but also to give the Peters a special shout out. I rolled down my window and said in a high pitched excited baby bunny kind of voice "Peeeeter!! Hi Peter & Peter!! You two are gonna get run over. You have got to get off the road!" I started honking the horn, trying to scare them onto the grass. It took a little coaxing but they finally ran up onto my neighbor's lawn.

After bidding farewell to the Peters I drove off, checking my rear view mirror to make sure that they were staying on the grass. They were there alright, and behind them sitting on my neighbor’s porch was my neighbor and 2 other members of the Seminole Dr clan ( a group of men from our street who get together and chat it up about their lawns, gardens, roofs, shingles and window trims). I laughed it off cause really who cares what my neighbors think of me! . . . . . .

Apparently My Dad seems to care. He happens to be a part of the Seminole Dr Clan and he came home tonight after chatting with his street pals and asked me what on earth I was doing last night. My Dad tells me that a couple of his friends watched me "talking to myself" on the street last night. My Dad already knows I'm completely insane and has come to accept me for who I am, but he tells me that he would prefer it if I keep my lunacy confined within the walls of our home :)
I say Give me a break lawn boys! Didn't you see the Peters? Couldn't you tell that I wasn't talking to myself but was simply having a pleasant conversation with a couple of baby bunnies on the street. sheeesh!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE BABY BUNNIES TOO!!!! I would TOTALLY have done the same!

Whenever my mom and I go to a mall we HAVE to go to the pet store and we spend AT LEAST 20 minutes cooing over the baby bunnies and making the salespeople take them out of their cages so we can hold them. Then we coo to them ("aren't you just the cutest!?!") and name them all (sometimes Peter...) and whine that we can't take them home (cuz we already have a bunny who's kinda old and probably doesn't want another bunny around to steal our attention). The salespeople all think we're crazy. But so far we haven't been thown out or banned from any stores.

In conclusion, baby bunnies make you do crazy things and that's ok!