Learning How to Spot
I was reminded tonight of my early ballet days and how much time we spent learning how to spot so that we wouldn't topple over from dizziness while doing pirouettes. It was so frustrating for me. We were instructed to pick a fixed object on the wall or somewhere in the room and to turn without taking our eyes off the object. Even with the quick snap of the head at the end of the turn, we were not to lose sight of that object. We'd spend class after class turning to music trying to master the spotting technique. I honestly never got it, my eyes would always leave the object at some point and I'd eventually get dizzy. For the entire 11 years that I took ballet lessons I don't think I ever learned how to spot properly, I somehow managed to fake it through. I clearly never had the grace and beauty required of a ballerina.
Today, I find myself still trying to learn the important lesson of spotting. This time it has nothing to do with ballet pirouettes. The object that I've chosen to fix my eyes upon is an unchanging solid rock. He's gloriously beautiful yet I'm still toppling over from dizziness because I keep losing sight of Him. I'm determined not to fake my way through this time. It may take a life time, but I pray that He will show me how to keep my eyes fixed upon His son, so that I can turn and spin while reflecting the grace and beauty of Jesus Christ.
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