Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hide me

I don't know exactly what it is about the post christmas season, but I just don't like it. I never feel comfortable at this time of year. I suppose it has to do with all of the reflecting on a year gone by and the uncertainty of what is ahead. It should be a hopeful time, as I look forward to a new year but it never is. This year in particular I find myself wanting to just hide.

Hiding seems to be something that I want to do a lot lately. This past year I spent a lot of time trying to hide. I tried to hide from hurt, from pain and from discomfort. I tried hiding from challenges, from responsibility, from truth, from people . . .and even from God.

Is it wrong to hide or to want to hide?

I remember when I was a little girl, there was something safe about hiding. I remember often finding a small hiding place like a closet or a hidden cove in a corner somewhere, away from everything and curling up there for hours comforted by the stillness and saftey that it brought.

I was reading through the psalms in the Message this afternoon and stopped at Psalm 31 when David says: "I want to Hide in You"

I think that perhaps this new year will be a year of actual hiding for me. I can't hide from life, but I can certainly hide in my God and be comforted by the stillness and safety that only the Hiding Place of hope, grace, mercy and love can provide.

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