Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The computer geek performs surgery

How does a diva know for certain that she has fully entered into the world of Computer Geekism?

When she finds herself taking out a screw driver in order to open up the bottom of her laptop to see if she can diagnose the technological problem at hand.

Yes that was me tonight. I almost died when after a couple hours of failed uploads, downloads, diagnosis scans etc the Dell tech support lady prompted me to find a star headed screw driver so that I could open up the bottom of the computer. At that moment I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. Really, as if a diva would have a star headed screw driver just lying around! As I was running around the house searching for a screw driver I was thinking ‘Is this lady nuts? Who am I becoming? If I open up the computer I’m gonna blow the house up.’

I ended up performing emergency surgery on my laptop tonight. When I was diligently saving up to buy a laptop for a year somehow I failed to picture myself having to open the darn thing up and be forced to see it’s geeky innards and organs, ick!! I think I may actually be traumatized by the whole procedure. I just might have reoccurring nightmares about all those nerdy technological guts and beep bops and doohickeys that I was forced to fiddle with inside my computer. What makes it worse is that the Surgery failed. Didn’t work. So now finally after months of issues with the darn thing it’s time to send the computer back to Dell for them to perform the needed surgery. And I find myself again having to save all of my files elsewhere so that they won’t be lost (this is the 3rd time - I’ve had the computer since November – grrrrrr!!)

I must say that there is a perk to this constant problem - I now have several fellow computer geek friends in India. Those Dell tech. support people are quite nice. There's Bhupinder, Roger, David, and Shanila and after spending up to 5 hrs on the phone at a time with them, we couldn’t help but form a bond. At least I know that I’m not alone and that this computer geek thing is global, united we stand . . . . . .

Waaaaaaa!!! I’ve become a computer geek against my own will, and I don’t wanna be one!!! What has this done to my Diva reputation? Stupid Dell!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now, Diva;
Don't look on this as a bad mark on or against your diva-ness. A true diva is multi-facited, and always has hidden talents and knowledge! So, take a look in the mirror, re-adjust your tiara, and once more take command of the stage!

Long live Diva!!