Tuesday, December 20, 2005


"Rejoice Greatly Oh daughters of Zion, Shout oh daughters of Jerusalem! Behold thy king cometh unto thee." from Handel's Messiah based on Zechariah 9:9-10

Rejoice =
To feel joyful; be delighted; To fill with joy; gladden.
v 1: feel happiness or joy 2: to express great joy; [syn:
exult, triumph, jubilate] 3: be ecstatic with joy.

To me, rejoicing is a direct response to the awesomeness of God. It is a word that automatically indicates an ecstatic overwhelming response to His majesty. A response as a result of witnessing a miracle or receiving a gift from Him. A word divine word.

What does rejoicing look like?
Leaping, dancing, skipping, running, spinning. Quick movements interspersed with long drawn out pauses. Arms wide open receiving, worshipping. Huge smiles, Eyes wide open looking to the heavens. Eyes closed looking to the heavens. Tears of joy. Jumping for joy. Beaming faces. Looks of amazement and wonder. running through the fields.

What does rejoicing sound like?
Ecstatic laughter. Giggles. Singing. Music. Silence. Joyful Shouts. Higher pitched tones. Sighs of amazement. Angels singing. Operatic "Ahhhhhhh!!". Bells ringing. Crowds cheering. quick trills. long handel-esque melismatic runs. (hence runs on rejoice)
"Alleluia!" "Praise God!"

What does rejoicing feel like?
Like your going to explode. Like if you don't respond physically in someway you'll be overcome by the excitement. Like an incredible release. Like all burdens are lifted off your shoulders. Like you could walk on air.

My recent moments of "rejoicing greatly":
-The day I heard the news that Jen was pregnant. I rejoiced in the new life that was to come. I rejoiced in the work that God was doing in this new little person. I rejoiced in the miracle of a new creation. I rejoiced for what was to come.
- The day Julia was born. After nine months of anticipation I rejoiced that she was finally here, that she was healthy. I rejoiced in the miracle of His creation and the beauty of new life. I was ecstatic, relieved, excited. There was a lot of skipping, a lot of singing, no sleep, a little dancing, laughing, worshipping, reflecting on His majesty. Daddy was singing and dancing a lot. Motc immediately cried tears of joy. Mommy babbled with excitement.
- The day I witnessed my friend receive Christ into her heart. My automatic reaction was that of joy and praise. I experienced tears of gladness. I automatically sang and worshipped, I raised my hands in exultation. A time of complete and utter awe. There was a desire to share the news with the world, I couldn't keep it to myself. I wanted to shout from the roof tops "My God is an awesome God." I was overwhelmed with joy, I was like an overflowing pot of boiling water.

"Behold Thy king Cometh unto Thee"
How could I not rejoice in the King that reigns in my heart? How could I not rejoice in the salvation that He ensures? He is here He is present. God is in my life working, moving, revealing Himself. His majesty and His awesomeness can do nothing but invoke a response of rejoicing. I have no reason not to be constantly rejoicing.

To rejoice greatly; be jubilant or triumphant.
v 1: feel extreme happiness or elation [syn:
walk on air , be on cloud nine, jump for joy] 2: to express great joy

To be victorious or successful; win.
To rejoice over a success or victory; exult.
To receive honors upon return from a victory in ancient Rome. Used of a general.
The fact of being victorious; victory or conquest.
A noteworthy or spectacular success.
Exultation or rejoicing over victory or success.

v 1: celebrate a jubilee 2: to express great joy

conclusion: rejoicing is an act of worship and adoration.

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