Last night I was cleaning up my e-mail box. Deleting e-mails from almost 2 yrs ago. (I'm the type who tends to let it all pile up.) As I was reading a few notes I had sent to some friends in the past I realized that I am just one big slab of cheese. Yup, I said it - I am cheese! When I gush I don't ever realize in the moment how cheesy I sound, but after time has passed I'm almost embarassed by it. Of course being the big cheese that I am I cried when reading some of the letters. . . I don't think my cheesiness will ever change though, it's definitely a part of who I am . . . I just need to embrace it. If I have to be cheese I hope I'm at least like a big hunk of brie. . . hard shell, soft smooth interior, not sharp, goes nice with berries, watercress crackers and wine, doesn't smell like feet. . . .
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