Wednesday, April 12, 2006

face in the dirt

There's something freeing about coming before the cross and putting one's face in the dirt. As I finally took the time to examine a great deal of the dirt in my life while preparing for downpour over the past month I had no choice but to go before Him. When I did, I found that I couldn't seem to get low enough. Repentance will always be a tremendously difficult thing to do but there is such power in it. The thing that kept me before the cross in the dirt last Saturday was knowing that Christ was above me, waiting for me to get up and look into His eyes, it made the desperation to be cleansed that much more intense. When I finally did get up after examining the dirt and presenting it to Him for what it was, I was able to see more of the beauty, more of the radiance, more of the love and more of the mercy in Christ's eyes. The dirt was washed away in tears of repentance and my Lord was magnified as a result.

I Praise the Lord for His unending love that never changes. Even when I fail to comprehend His love for me because my eyes are blinded by sin, His love is more powerful than anything I'll ever experience. I am thankful that I can truly surrender everything at His feet. I am overwhelmed yet again by His grace and mercy. I am thankful that I can come to Him in repentance and be cleansed of the dirt in my life.
I praise Him for His word of truth and for the way it was presented at downpour last weekend. I praise Him for His faithfulness, for His glory for His majesty, for the cross and His resurrection.

I'm finally ready to receive His downpour. Revival has begun. Hallelujah!

Let us know. Let us press on to know the Lord.
His going out is as sure as the dawn.
He will come to us as the showers,

like the spring rain that waters the earth
Hos 6:3


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