Tuesday, February 06, 2007


This seems to be a real season of tears for me. In the past 8 months I've probably cried more than I have in my entire life time combined. I'd say that since I decided to do this internship I've probably cried enough tears to fill a few oceans, and today being no exception. I'm at the point where I really wouldn't mind going a few days without shedding some tears, but things just keep coming up and it's like all I know how to do is express how I'm feeling by crying. I cry in my office, I cry in my bed, I cry in the shower, I cry while I'm singing, I cry at church - I'm like a leaky faucet that won't turn off, and it's rather ridiculous. I'm thinking of calling the waterproof mascara people and offering to be their teary eyed test subject. At the very least I may get some free make up out of these uncontrollable leaks.

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