Monday, February 19, 2007

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

My book of the weekend was Jim Cymbala's Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire. I've had this book for over a year just sitting on my bookshelf collecting dust. I can't believe that I didn't read it sooner! What an incredibly convicting book on the power of prayer and what can happen when we let the spirit lead. I could hardly put the book down.

Just before I left to go sing as a guest soloist at a church here in town I read this passage:

To every preacher and every singer: God will someday ask, "Did you bring people to where the action could be found . . . at the throne of grace? If you just entertained them, if you just tickled their ears and gave them a warm, fuzzy moment, woe unto you. At the throne of grace, I could have changed their lives."

Talk about timing! I was so convicted and suddenly terrified to sing. How could the simple piece of music that I was about to sing, possibly take anyone to the throne of grace? Why would God call me, a mere speck of dirt to such a responsibility? How is it that I have equated success as an artist with those warm fuzzy moments that Cymbala speaks of. I only had a half hour to pull myself together before I had to leave. As I prayed desperately for God to use my performance to His glory, He quietly and clearly spoke:

"You, Andrea McNeil, can do nothing to bring people to my throne. How could you possibly think that You have anything to do with it? It is I who will lead them. It is only My truth, My Word, My sacrifice, My grace, My mercy, My forgiveness, My Son, My Spirit and My love that will draw them to My throne. Faith in Yourself is not required. The only responsibility you have is to put your faith and trust in Me. Now go and sing in faith."

And I did as I was told. How it went? I'm not sure.

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